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We've taken the struggle out of forming your entity and incorporating your business.


The Limited Liability Company (LLC)


The LLC is a legal entity that is separate from its members. It is the most popular business structure in the U.S.A.



  • Owners have limited liability. Meaning they are not legally responsible for the company’s debts and obligations.

  • LLCs may opt to be taxed either as a corporation or partnership.

  • Offer a lot of flexibility in management options. 

  • LLCs can outlive their initial founders or members.

  • No annual oversight by shareholders

  • Flexible profit and loss distribution

  • LLCs benefits from members who offer complementary skills



  • Potential for disorganization if there is no proper agreement

  • Disagreements in decision making may cause expensive delays and disruptions

  • Annual renewal fees

  • More paperwork is required when compared to sole proprietorships or partnerships


Get started on your incorporation today!


With Latter Accelerate Group, all you need is to provide us with some basic details about your business to get going. We will do the groundwork – search and reserve your corporation name, file all your legal paperwork, and follow-up with your state. Even better, after successfully setting your company up, we can prequalify you for 50,000 – 200,000 in funding!


Get in touch with us today and pose any questions you have regarding our services. We will also be ready to guide you through the entire entity formation and incorporation process.




Start Your LLC Today
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